With netCDN, your will be deliverd to customers in the fastest, most stable and safest way through a powerful network of edge servers, smart routing algorithm and flexibles customization features.
Ultra low-latency video streaming
Providing solutions that put you in complete control to deliver consistent video streaming in real-time and engaging entertainment experiences for viewers with a lot of streaming protocols such as HLS, LL-HLS, DASH, LL-DASH, CMAF.
Webpage accelerator
Faster and more stable website loading speed with smart algorithms that automatically compress and encode content, ensuring optimal quality and compatibility with end user devices.
Download/upload accelerator
Download/upload speed optimization based on automatically content recorgnization and download/upload strategies with corresponding object chunking or byte-range request methods.
Enhanced security
Protecting your infrastructures, applications and contents with built-in DDOS protection, WAF and hot-link protection solutions.
Diverse, user-oriented features
Providing diverse features, allowing users to easily manage, monitor and configure their own content and transmission methods through a visualized CMS system.
Powerful and optimized infrastructure
netCDN provides a powerful edge server network, distributed in 3 regions of Viet Nam. Each edge server is optimized with advanced TCP configuration, 100% SSD coverage and much more.
Scability by design
netCDN is designed to maximize customer growth and expansion easily with bandwidth up to 1Tbps in Vietnam.
Easy to use
You only need a few minutes, with a few specific steps to experience the wonderful things that netCDN offers.